COVID-19 house report dimissed as a political hit piece

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Trump DEA pick mess ; contradicts

Texas Republicans want to seize Austin?

David Sacks for AI and crypto czar

Patel pick for FBI, hopping on the clown car

Member of PayPal mafia, VC

Fetterman loses the plot. Offers to pardon Trump

Republicans identify with Tony Soprano!

Tariffs on nippon steel guarantee to backfire

Prisons closed over crisis of abuse

Gail Slater for FTC, expect to see antitrust actions dropped

LA Times billionaire owner reviews headlines OVER EMAIL

Harry Litman dropping from LA Times

Gabbard hooked on Russian media

NATO countries to stop sharing intel with the US as result of nomination

The Really Big One

Anthem Blue Shield not paying for anesthesia for the whole procedure

The price America paid for its first immigration crackdown

AOC making fun of MTG working with Musk and Ramaswamy - "She barely shows up and doesn’t do the reading!"

Niall Ferguson: are we the soviets now?

Segregation Academies in the South getting millions in taxpayer dollars

How to block project 2025